Monday, April 11, 2022
The Carole Robertson Center for Learning will submit a Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st Century Learning) grant application to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) in partnership with Theodore Herzl School of Excellence with the purpose of securing funding to support the creation of a community learning center that provides academic enrichment opportunities during non-school attendance hours for children, and students.
The grant application may be viewed at the office at the following address, 2929 W. 19th Street, Chicago, IL 60623.
Written comments may be sent to: Kenny Riley, Senior Director of Out-of-School-Time Programs. Written comments will be accepted and forwarded to the funding agency from 3/14/22-5/26/2022.
Additional questions regarding the above may also be directed to Kenny Riley at 773.521.1600 x123 or
About the Carole Robertson Center:
The Carole Robertson Center for Learning is a nonprofit organization serving approximately 2,000 children, youth, and their families across Chicago, with a significant presence in the North Lawndale, Little Village, and Albany Park communities. The Center is one of the largest early childhood organizations in the City of Chicago, serving linguistically and culturally diverse populations across 27 communities, and with recent growth made possible by federal funding, the Center has become the city’s largest birth-to-three program provider. Our programs reach children at every stage of development, from before birth to age 17.